VFW POST 822 is offering dinner at a cost on Friday 27th and Saturday 28th of September from 5 to 8pm during Fall Conference.
Under construction right now.
Want to serve a veteran? Look no further.
The VFW Post 822 Honor Guard conducts military honors at Great Lakes National Cemetery and around Genesee County. If you are in need of an Honor Guard give us a call.
Related to a Veteran? You may qualify.
Come on out to Hamburger Wednesdays and Fish Fry Fridays.
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Vestibulum vestibulum elit augue, vitae lacinia tortor iaculis vel. Nunc ut maximus tellus. Nulla pulvinar malesuada commodo.
In 1968, a friendly challenge to a game of pool was thrown out between VFW members from different parts of Michigan. Now, 56 years later, the VFW Michigan Pool League has attracted hundreds of veterans who compete annually.
Leadership from VFW Posts 4545 12082 have joined forces in raising funds to restore and preserve the piece of Michigan’s history that followed the 21st Infantry Regiment through eight Civil War battles.
VFW Department of Michigan Adjutant & Quartermaster Barry Walter attended the Washington D.C. Vietnam Memorial Dedication on November 13, 1982. Now, 76, Barry recalls being a 35-year-old VFW service officer, witnessing history for his generation of warriors.